Selasa, 08 November 2011

Sensing Journey - Social Traveler Team

Due to the systems modeling class project to model the commute line system in Jabodetabek, we have to conduct a sensing journey in commuter line systems go get know better about the systems. To make the model, our class is divided into 15 project teams. Andri Mubarak, Awal Maulana, Dhani Yudhasmoro, Novelly Simanjuntak, and Daisy Nadia Putri were joining together in one project group. Then we decided to called our group, Sosial Traveler.

Our sensing journey was held at Thursday, 4 November 2011, we arrived at UI station at 7am and bought tickets to Bogor, while we was waiting at the platform we did some observation to our surroundings and the passing train. In the morning, the situation at UI station was fairly crowd, especially the platform that is used to wait the train to Jakarta, meanwhile the platform that is used to wait the train to Bogor was not so crowd. The trains to Jakarta were all excess of passengers, they even had to get to the top of the train. Every train stopped in about 20 seconds (less than 1 minute).
We departed from UI station at 7.15 am, the train which depart for Bogor that we take was only, the train was clean and nice enough, the train’s route information was above the door but it was too small and too high to be read well, and also there were some empty seat. Those things were caused because in the morning most of people go to Jakarta, especially employee, while in the evening most of people go to Bogor. Commuter Line stopped at every station, the passengers get on and get off the train orderly because there were still few people that do so. In the train, the conductor inspected the tickets of the passenger to avoid illegal passengers, there is a rule that say an illegal passenger will be fined Rp20,000.
We arrived at Bogor station 40 minutes later, when we get off the train, the waiting people at the station directly went through into the train and causing the flow of passenger become disordered. Bogor station is the end-station of the route, every train will stop at that station and get back to Jakarta so the passenger who will go to Jakarta rushed into the train and try to find the best place to sit and can enjoy the trip. The train got back to Jakarta after stopping for 18 minutes.
The Bogor station was more crowded than UI station, Bogor station consist of 8 railways and every 2 railways was separated with platform. There were some gates at Bogor station, 3 gates were located at the main building and 1 gate was located at the secondary building, the problem is the gates were hidden and the Sign that refer the gates were badly located, the signs were also hidden behind the red advertisement banners. Some parts of the main building were used as restaurants and mini markets and also some ATMs. Some platform which is located between the railways is not facilitated with chairs and roofs, so the waiting people will only stand or sit at the pots in there and they will be hot flushed, or  when rain comes they will get wet.
There was a warning sign which say that people are not allowed to get on the top of the train, but it was located behind a big tree and almost useless since it seems no one will notice the sign. On some railways, some people sat and laid down on it, that was a dangerous action since trains will pass the railways. The secondary building was not so good, many people selling many things disorderly and the building was muddied.
We get back from Bogor station to UI station at 10.20 am, the train was already loaded with passengers, some sellers sold their stuffs before the train departed and causing uncomfortable ang noisy condition. Many people stood up at the train and must hold the hand-grip which is too high for them, if they do that thing for a long time it will cause an injury. Some people brought huge belongings and stood at the door and make the people who want to get in and get off the train faced difficulties. The train stopped at every station for some seconds, we arrived at UI station at 11.00am.
keadaan stasiun UI peron Bogor pada pukul 07.00 WIB

keadaan stasiun UI peron Jakarta pada pukul 07.00 WIB


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